The Day We Fight Back protesters in San Francisco gathered in front of the AT&T building for another protest and to give a retired AT&T technician another chance to have his story heard.In 1996 Klein stole documents that showed that the NSA was collecting data directly from AT&T’s lines and from within AT&T’s own building.…
Thanks to Edward Snowden, all of the major tech companies now release government data requests. Before Snowden released information on PRISM and the public found out how integrated our government was with the tech giants central server, there were not many tech companies that released reports to let people know how many times the government…
Edward Snowden has been on the run from the US government ever since releasing confidential information in regards to the US Governments practices of spying on its citizens via metadata collected from various ISP’s and Internet/Technology based companies. Snowden has requested asylum from many different countries since releasing this information and is supposedly on the…