Make Your Search Work For You
Nearly everyone these days has heard the term "Google it" or "look it up." For most of us, searching for something online is just a part of our daily routine now.However, are you really searching as quickly and efficiently as you could be?Here are several search tips to help…
Google's search engine contains a vast amount of information. Once in a great while, I get asked a question that I'm unable to answer, so I say "Let me Google that for you." Yes, there's a website for that: However, there are many other tools and tricks that can get you answers to your…
Google the search engine giant has had a lot of requests to exclude and "piracy sites" from the results. Google has been hit with over 30 million requests to take down URL's that contain copyrighted content from British Recorded Music Industry (BPI). Google denies many of these requests because BPI is mostly Spamming Google to…
A study released this month by online advertising company Chitika found that people who use Google's search engine tend to live in states with above-average median household incomes and college graduation rates. States where people Google a lot also tend to be those that have older populations and higher job growth rates.Using data collected from…
Bing is planning on taking the majority of searches performed on the Internet. They are planning on making the Bing Search engine the go to search engine for all schools. This would include kindergarten through high school.As of right now 34 school districts are already using Windows 8 and only Bing as a search engine. Bing allows…
Google has been making many different changes lately. Some changes are great, others are not. Google has made changes in their search engine, Gmail, and now their Privacy Policy. There are a number of users however that are very much against these policy changes but why?Opponents to Google’s new policy change claim that the new…
Google, the world’s leading search engine and arguably one of the world’s leading technology companies, is going to be making some drastic changes to the way their search engine works. Google has decided to update their search engine to stay on top of their game. Google normally makes changes in the way their search engine…
With the way Google is moving everything to the “Cloud,” comes a new feature called “Google Cloud Print.” Google’s new Could Printing service allows anyone to print to any printer via the web by connecting your printer with the Google Cloud service. With this service enabled you are able to print from any computer or…
For the past 7 months Yahoo has been busy working hard on improving the way their e-mailing services are setup claiming to be two times faster than before. Email messages and attachments come and go at high speed so no more waiting 10+ minutes to send/receive email. With the latest new and improved spam protection Yahoo Mail…
In a recent study conducted by PandaLabs ( they have collected data and the numbers are scary! More than 57,000 malware infected websites are put out on the Internet each and everyday. Sites like Ebay, Amazon, and Western Union related sites are making up for most of the numbers, and the sites where credit cards…
So as I was doing my normal online browsing this past weekend, I noticed something new, and after some investigation, discovered that Google is now indexing public tweets from the super popular micro blogging site Twitter ( There have been some rises in user concerns that they're private information was being indexed, but after a…
If you have nothing to do and you are interested in finding something to do then take a look at Goby. Goby is a search engine that can search for things to do around your area. For instance type in roller skating and it will show you every skating rink around your area. You can…