Thanks to Edward Snowden, all of the major tech companies now release government data requests. Before Snowden released information on PRISM and the public found out how integrated our government was with the tech giants central server, there were not many tech companies that released reports to let people know how many times the government…
Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple have joined forces in a civil liberties group to attempt to get the government to be more transparent. They have submitted a letter to President Barrack Obama and Congress to allow ISP's and other telecommunication companies to offer more details about requests from the governmental branches.The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has barred…
Edward Snowden has been on the run from the US government ever since releasing confidential information in regards to the US Governments practices of spying on its citizens via metadata collected from various ISP’s and Internet/Technology based companies. Snowden has requested asylum from many different countries since releasing this information and is supposedly on the…
Microsoft has been working with the NSA since the launch of PRISM. However the relationship between them is closer than we thought. Microsoft has been giving NSA permission to view data before encryption on the Operating System.This stands true for their new email portal They have launched a site called Scroogled to dissuade users from using Google email.…
The NSA PRISM program was top secret until now. The NSA has a program code named PRISM which lives on the servers of major service providers that include Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, Youtube, Skype ,AOL, and Apple. PRISM has been in operation since 2007 and first partnered with Microsoft. They are aiming to have…