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New miniLock App Makes Encryption Easy!

miniLock app makes Encryption easy! Use of encryption is on the rise. More than ever before encryption is being adopted by criminals, governments, and wise technology users. The U.S. court systems annual report on law enforcement eavesdropping in 2013 stated that encryption foiled state police attempts to serveil criminal suspects in 9 different cases. That…

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NSA Collecting Millions Of Images For Facial Recognition

The National Security Agency is collecting millions of images intercepted from global communications for a facial-recognition program to identify and track intelligence targets, according to classified documents described by The New York Times.The agency is using sophisticated software to harvest "millions of images per day" from emails, text messages, social media, videoconferences, and other communications,…

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NSA: Tricks Of The Trade

The National Security Agency’s sophisticated hacking operations go way beyond using software vulnerabilities to gain access to targeted systems. The agency has a catalog of tools providing NSA analysts access to just about every potential source of data about a target.In some cases, the NSA has modified the firmware of computers and network hardware, including…

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NSA Spying on Unsuspecting Networks

No one except the NSA knows which 50,000 networks it injected data-thieving malware into, so what's a cautious enterprise network manager to do? It's business as usual. However, what's "usual" these days is vigilance - continuous monitoring and analysis to uncover unusual patterns and proactively respond. "It is important to adopt protective processes that continuously couple…

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Privacy: Rent-to-Own Computers

Recently Atlanta-based Aaron's Rent-to-Own computer chain has been accused of installing monitoring software onto its computers. The software was able to track a customers' location, took photos using the computers' webcam, and also tracked all keystrokes using a keylogger. Unwary customers private information was sent to Aaron, everything from login credentials from emails to Facebook…

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Tech Giants demand more NSA transparency.

Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple have joined forces in a civil liberties group to attempt to get the government to be more transparent. They have submitted a letter to President Barrack Obama and Congress to allow ISP's and other telecommunication companies to offer more details about requests from the governmental branches.The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has barred…

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Microsoft is working with the NSA

Microsoft has been working with the NSA since the launch of PRISM. However the relationship between them is closer than we thought. Microsoft has been giving NSA permission to view data before encryption on the Operating System.This stands true for their new email portal They have launched a site called Scroogled to dissuade users from using Google email.…

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