Mobile Devices and Your Network's Security
The iPhone 8 was recently released, the iPad production train keeps rolling, but Android devices still have their fair share of the market. In an age where technology and business rarely spend any time apart, think of all the devices you use.If you are a business owner, what devices…
Today, it is fairly easy to carry out business tasks using smart phones. Emailing, browsing the Internet and even creating or editing documents is now a breeze. So technically, smart phones are now carrying a large amount of sensitive data that needs to be protected. Not only are smart phones subject to the same threats…
You know how it goes when your phone slips from your hand onto the pavement. That display shatters, and you can either try and make the cracked screen work for a while or you can suck it up and drop some hard cash on a new handset. Either way, it’s a bummer. However, researchers at…
Technology has enabled us to connect and interact with people all over the globe, in real-time. It has made the stuff of science fiction science fact, satellite communication, wireless internet, and the ability to keep track of 100+ contacts and interactions. But how do you unplug from this technology and interact with those who are…
With every new operating system comes a fresh set of features that serve up the cost of your battery life. In many cases, it's just not worth having your phone die when you need it most. Here are a few tips you can use to increase the battery life of your mobile devices.
Turn off…