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The Cost Of Pirated Microsoft Software

Microsoft's crusade against pirated software was bolstered on Tuesday with the release of a study that found stolen programs are going to cause issues this year for both consumers and enterprise customers.The study, conducted by research firm IDC and the National University of Singapore, found that consumers worldwide will spend $25 billion and collectively waste…

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CNN was hacked again

CNN was hacked again by the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA). This is not the first time that SEA has attacked CNN successfully. CNN said that the group has targeted their main Facebook profile, the Politic's Facebook profile, and the Twitter Pages for CNN, CNN Security, Clearance, and the blogs for the Political Ticker.CNN reported: “Some…

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Ctrl+Alt+Del was a mistake

Every Windows user knows about the Ctrl+Alt+Del keyboard combination. It was originally designed to trigger a reboot of a system. It's used for a wide variety of tasks such as logging into Windows or accessing the Task Manager and even the quick Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) remedy.During a fundraising event at Harvard, Bill Gates…

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Say Good Bye To Microsoft Tag

After six years of providing a useful not-needed alternative to barcodes Microsoft is discontinuing the Microsoft Tag. On August 19th, 2015 Microsoft will no longer support this tag. It would seem that it will not go unused however. Scanbuy is planning on using this tag starting no later than September 18th of this year.These tags were invented…

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Windows 8.1 pushed back to October

Microsoft had an 8.1 preview last month but in not likely to release the service pack until around October. Microsoft announced that they will have the updates available for device in August. This will make the consumers endure with their current Windows 8 devices.Windows 8.1 will add features that many consumers have been complaining about. There will be the…

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Tech Giants demand more NSA transparency.

Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple have joined forces in a civil liberties group to attempt to get the government to be more transparent. They have submitted a letter to President Barrack Obama and Congress to allow ISP's and other telecommunication companies to offer more details about requests from the governmental branches.The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has barred…

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