About a week ago, Google (GOOG) seemed to face a tense moment in the development of its high-profile Google Glass wearable computer. Call it Peak Glass Cynicism.Some of the device’s earliest fans were questioning Google’s devotion to the product. Bars were banning it, citing the device’s surreptitious integrated camera. Bloggers were ridiculing it. In a sign that the mounting criticism…
Thanks to Edward Snowden, all of the major tech companies now release government data requests. Before Snowden released information on PRISM and the public found out how integrated our government was with the tech giants central server, there were not many tech companies that released reports to let people know how many times the government…
Google has been overhauling their Android platform to improve the camera performance. Google is adding RAW picture format to their API (application programming interface). API's allow two different softwares to communicate between each other. So an app developer can now use the new API's to add these new features to any app they develop. Google is planning on…
On Monday, Google announced that that they will expedite the removal of a satellite image of a boy who was killed in Richmond, California near Hensley Street.Kevin Barrera, 14, was the victim of a homicide and was found slain near the railroad tracks in Richmond California on August 15, 2009. You can view a satellite image of…
Google the search engine giant has had a lot of requests to exclude and "piracy sites" from the results. Google has been hit with over 30 million requests to take down URL's that contain copyrighted content from British Recorded Music Industry (BPI). Google denies many of these requests because BPI is mostly Spamming Google to…
Google stated that they intend on expanding Google Fiber to many more communities. However this is taking more time than they anticipated. There are some major obstacles that have slowed down and prevented Google from expanding its fiber network. Most of the time spent getting access to City resources is dealing with permits.You can get Google's fiber network…
Uber is a local transportation and delivery giant. They have struck a deal that will allow Google to gather data from the fleet of vehicles to help improve their systems. Uber is committing to investing $375 million into this project. This will be the first approved commercial use of an autonomous vehicle in the United States.Google has released…
A study released this month by online advertising company Chitika found that people who use Google's search engine tend to live in states with above-average median household incomes and college graduation rates. States where people Google a lot also tend to be those that have older populations and higher job growth rates.Using data collected from…
A Dutch university created a project to craft the world's first lab-grown burger. The slab of synthetic meat, seen above, was grown using cells from a cow's shoulder, which were grown into strips of meat, which in turn were mushed into a patty that required the killing of precisely zero cows.That humane angle is apparently what…
Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple have joined forces in a civil liberties group to attempt to get the government to be more transparent. They have submitted a letter to President Barrack Obama and Congress to allow ISP's and other telecommunication companies to offer more details about requests from the governmental branches.The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has barred…
Google and other advertisement companies have decided that sites that host pirated content will not be able to take advantage of advertisements from larger companies. Sites that host pirated content have a lot of traffic and also generate a lot of money from the adverts on theirs sites.A study at The University of Southern…
Microsoft has been working with the NSA since the launch of PRISM. However the relationship between them is closer than we thought. Microsoft has been giving NSA permission to view data before encryption on the Operating System.This stands true for their new email portal Outlook.com. They have launched a site called Scroogled to dissuade users from using Google email.…