5G is targeted to launch in 2017.
Roger Gurnani, Chief Information Officer for Verizon, told CNET they plan to start to testing new wireless technology that will propel them into 5G speeds. Mr. Gurnani said, "Verizon will start field trials on the new technology within the next 12 months and hope to have some level…
AT&T has recently announced that they will be releasing a wireless home monitoring system that will be all digital and will allow consumers to automate tasks such as monitoring security, changing the temperature, locking to doors, or turning off the lights from a smart phone, tablet, or PC regardless of which carrier that you use.The best part…
Cohda Wireless is an Australian company that specializes in car-to-car communication to further the production of Intelligent Transport systems. It makes sense for a networking company and a semiconductor business to invest in this technology.Cisco and NXP believe that we could benefit from this technology. They could wirelessly exchange information that could tell your vehicle to slow…
China based telecommunications company Huawei is again drawing fire for its participation in activities out government frowns upon. Reuters reviewed a number of documents indicating that Huawei bid on an equipment purchase that Iran was looking to buy.The problem is that this equipment is restricted, and in some cases banned under embargo between the US…
Huawei, a Chinese information and communication technology company was recently pointed out by our government as a potential security risk. Huawei denies any foul play when it comes to their company or the equipment they sell but government officials like Rep. Mike Rogers says the company is very secretive and does not allow the US…