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Free Wifi Spots

Looking for a local free internet spot to use. Everyone knows you can easily find a WIFI spot in the mall or at McDonald's but who wants to pay for them. Yeah some local area spots like coffee shops make them free but not every town has a coffee. Software called WEFI makes it possible…

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Bing vs Google

Not sure which search engine you like. Yeah, Bing is better in some areas compared to Google but Google is better in others. Well know you can have the best of both worlds. BINGLE... Bingle displays google in one half of your browser window and the other half is Bing.

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Keep your (laptop) cool!

Boy has it been hot!A client just bought their first laptop, and I have been worried about them not understanding how easy it is for one to overheat. Part of the problem is a lack of air flow: Cool air is pulled in through the sides or at the bottom of the machine and it is then pushed out the back.If…

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Google Chrome Gets Themes

What does Google Chrome web browser have that IE8.0 doesn't? THEMES!!!Google has now released the ability to switch themes in Google Chrome by just clicking 1 button. Currently there are only 29 themes and 90% of them are actually great looking themes.I am assuming that once widely released to the public they will allow third…

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Windows Xp and Vista Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts that will help any average every day user on the computer. These shortcuts will help speed up what you do on any windows pc computer.ALT+- (ALT+hyphen) Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window's System menuALT+ENTER View properties for the selected itemALT+ESC Cycle through items in the order they…

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