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Quicker Downloads for File Sharing

JDownloader is a JAVA based tool that works on Windows, Mac, and even Linux. This tool completely automates the downloading process from popular downloading sites such as (RapidShare and MegaUpload) and makes them more tolerable. You can feed links, or you can add links for multi-part downloads and insert them into JDownloader and it will…

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Ipad Killer Specs Leaked

With Apples recent release of the iPad, that seems to be changing the tablet market as we know it, comes a new tablet style wonder being released by HP that could possibly be the "iPad killer."  This tablet will have the following specs: 1.6 GHz Intel Atom processor, an 8.9-inch, multi-touch display, 32 or 64…

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Saving Scratched CDs

I found this nice little Do It Yourself for everyone that has been in the situation where their favorite CD or even just a old CD that you would like to save that has gotten scratched. Very simple to do and it will only cost a few bucks at any nearest pharmacy or grocery store. All…

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CCleaner Portable

Most people already know about CCleaner but what some people don't know is that they have a portable version of their great software. This tool is perfect for going on clients site or even using in the shop. This tool has the ability to clean things out such as Temporary Internet Files, Cookies, Browser History,…

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Canvio Portables Released!

Toshiba has just released their new portable hard drive lineup that is mainly used for easy to use computer backups.  This USB drive weighs in at only 6.3 ounces, and stacks up to be 3.1 inches wide and 4.7 inches long.  Five colors and four storage capacities are currently available which include: 500GB, 640GB, 750GB,…

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Mobility: Data Surpasses Voice

So I was reading at one of my favorite tech blogs and came across a very interesting milestone the mobile industry, not for all but most mobile phone companies will soon be approaching.  During the CTIA Wireless show in Las Vegas, CEO of Ericsson Hans Vestberg said, "voice traffic accounts for about 140,000 terabytes of…

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SSD Prices Falling…

So I'm sure we've all by now heard of the famous solid state drive (SSD), which boasts to outperform traditional hard drives by a whole lot. Well they may do just that in fact, but the high prices of these high performing disks haven't settled very well with consumers, no matter how much better they…

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