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Watchout Adobe Reader!

Tired of Adobe Reader taking 10 minutes just to load a pdf file. Now there is an alternative to adobe reader. Called Sumatra. Testers have tried every type of pdf file from small to large, then with tons of images to just text. Why this beats adobe reader is because of the incredible speed. This…

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How cool is this download?

Ok, I know change is hard to accept. But the latest edition to the Window's tree is Window 7, which has been buzzing all over the Internet ever since its release. Windows7 has three releases Ultimate, Professional and Home Edition. Microsoft really wants to get as much consumer's attention they can possibly get and for…

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Don’t be fuelish

In this day of energy saving, many times we leave our gadgets Mobile phones, PDAs, MP3 players, Cameras, Laptops etc with charger plugged in overnight. Lets check if this is a major waste of energy..I just saw a commercial on television, sponsored by some kind of environmentalist group. They claimed that a cell…

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128GB Flash Drive CRAZY!

Just when you thought flash drives were getting out of hand now. Corsair has come out with a 128 GB flash drive for roughly $400. This flash drive is not just bigger but a lot faster then any other flash drive. It writes twice as fast as any other drive but is only little faster reading data on the…

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G-Mail Outage

Over the Halloween weekend, and even continuing into early this week, G MAIL users' have been unable to access their web mail.  This incident is no where near as bad as the September 1st outage, but users' have every right to complain.  Google's support forums were blasted over the weekend with hundreds of upset users.Apparently…

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Auto install applications

Tired of having to download all the new versions of software everytime you do a format and reload of Windows? There is neat tool that will go out and download the latest version of that software and then will auto start installing one application after the next that you choose silently, so you are not bothered with…

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Windows 7 Finally Released

The long wait is over for the people still running Windows XP instead of Windows Vista. Windows 7 was released today as many techies waited outside of stores last night just to purchase the new Windows 7. Windows 7 is suppose to have better startup times, program performance and much more. The only thing it…

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AVG Upgrades!!! 9.0 Released

Grisoft, the manufacturer of the anti virus software known as AVG has upgraded once again.  As of October 17th, 2009, version 9.0 is released.  AVG being widely known for their network security for enterprise and personal protection, but probably best known as a great FREE antivirus program.  Yes that's right, they have a free edition…

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