Well once again scammers are out in full force. That’s right since the news broke of Bin Laden’s death scammers have been developing more new malware and optimizing their sites to show up with high rankings in search engines for related topics. I’ve said it one, I’ll say it again, keep your software updated! Many…
HBO Subscribers now have access to over 1,400 HBO shows, including HBO original programming, hit blockbuster movies, comedy specials, and even sports. Streaming right from your Android or Apple iOS device, it is perfect for watching movies on your new Android tablet or iPad2 with their large display it makes viewing movies on-the-go a lot…
This past week several college students discovered that inside the iPhone there is a file that is “tracking” where its user went. This has some people on edge because Apple, until now, gave no explanation as to what the data was from or what it was being used for. The speculations given was that they…
In the past Norton was considered to be a huge system resource hog. In recent years however they have made their product much more light weight, more accurate in what it picks up on as an infection, and faster.One of the biggest complaints about Norton in the past is that it was too difficult to…
Have you ever wanted to play Angry Birds but don’t own a smartphone like the iPhone or a Droid. Or maybe you do, and you just want to play Angry Birds on a bigger screen to make it easier to take down those pesky pigs. Well now you can enjoy one of the top rated…
According to the antivirus company “Cyber Defender”, there is a new tactic that Malware creators are beginning to use to get your money. The new method involves you using your phone and using the SMS service to text a number to the malware creator which in turn pays them. Also, like most other malware, paying…
Amazon has recently released Cloud Player, a music library in the “cloud”. Cloud Player from Amazon is easy to use, simply purchase your music through Amazon.com and your music is then synced to your Amazon account allowing you to access your music from any computer that has access to the web (Running Internet Explorer 8…
Having a workstation that will not boot can be one of the most aggravating and scariest problems to run across if you’re using your computer for business. In most cases we can recover your data which is another topic all together, but, what if it’s your mission critical server that goes down, then what?If your…
You can now watch live TV instantly on your iPad with Time Warner’s TV app. The app is free for Time Warner’s subscribers only and you have to have their cable video package, and a Time Warner username and password to sign in. But if you are already a subscriber to Time Warner Cable why…
Battery life on a laptop is such an important factor when it comes to mobile computing since without it, well, you don’t have a functioning computer. Ever consider how much battery power the various programs you run consume?Well, Microsoft just came out with their newest web browser in the last few weeks and they decided…
Okay, so I must admit, the idea of a self-repairing computer does sound a bit futuristic. A group of computer scientists named “CRISP (Cutting edge Reconfigurable ICs for Stream Processing” is developing a new type of process that allows individual components to fail and the processor to continue to function. While the processor obviously would…
Internet Explorer 9 has officially launched as the latest and greatest browser from Microsoft. IE9 introduces a new streamlined interface, improved performance, Windows 7 integration, and more!Special featuresNew Interface: The first thing you will notice with IE9 is the complete redesign on the web browser. Microsoft has gotten rid of the standard menu bar…