Yesterday Google release a browser extension for their popular Chrome internet browser that is designed to make the internet a safer place for its users. Google release an extension they call “DOM Snitch.” DOM Snitch is designed to check websites software for possible exploits and/or common security issues within webpages. This extension is still in…
In the past months especially attack attempts on corporations and home users alike have been on the rise. With large corporations like Sony, Google, and even RSA, a company whose business is network security, how are you supposed to defend your company and its intellectual data? Well according to many articles out that talk about…
This really isn’t technology related specifically but does have to do with a very popular form of communication in today’s day and age.Twitter, one of the social networking world’s big players, has been becoming more and more profitable over a fairly short period of time. Twitter, like many other website have ads on it that…
With the way Google is moving everything to the “Cloud,” comes a new feature called “Google Cloud Print.” Google’s new Could Printing service allows anyone to print to any printer via the web by connecting your printer with the Google Cloud service. With this service enabled you are able to print from any computer or…
Not too far around the corner we could be seeing a couple new wireless standards coming out. In the past we have had Wireless A, B, G, and more recently N. Each of these standards has improved the amount of data that was able to be transferred over the WiFi connection. These standards really took…
For the past 7 months Yahoo has been busy working hard on improving the way their e-mailing services are setup claiming to be two times faster than before. Email messages and attachments come and go at high speed so no more waiting 10+ minutes to send/receive email. With the latest new and improved spam protection Yahoo Mail…
There are some new forms of storage on the market. These have been around for several years now so I guess they're not that new...but at this size/speed and availability to consumers, they are completely new! At around $4,500 for a 1 TB PCI-Express card this may not really be in most consumers price range…
Mac users beware! There is a new malware attack that is taking place on Mac’s. That’s right; contrary to popular belief the beloved Mac is vulnerable to Malware attacks. Those Mac advocates try to lead people to believe that Macs are better than PC’s simply because they do not get malware. Mac’s do get attacked…
Lenovo has announced a new entry in its ThinkCentre all-in-one line, the ThinkCentre Edge 91z. Aimed at small and medium-sized businesses, the system measures just 2.5 inches thick, offers a 21.5-inch LCD display, and packs a lot of power—up to a second-generation Intel Core i7 quad-core processor. The 91z supports up to 8 GB of…
G-Form is a company well known for its great extreme sport protective safety gear. The material used in their elbow and knee pads absorbs up to 90% of energy from a fall. Well the same company has managed to bring those same protective elements into a protective sleeve for iPad’s and small laptops alike. The…
If you don’t know what Skype is that’s quite surprising considering is has become very popular worldwide and even has commercials that advertise their services. For those of you that do not know, Skype, is an application that allows phone calls, instant messaging, and even live video chat via their software with users around the…
The Playstation Network (or PSN for short) was hacked and possibly 77million of Sony’s Playstation, and Qriocirty customers’ data have been obtained by the hackers. Included in the list of data that may have been obtained includes the username, password, email address, house addresses, and any other data you may have linked with your account.…