One of the best new ways to share YouTube videos with friends is with Google+ Hangout feature.Hangout’s let you do video and voice chatting with your friends and now you are able to embed a YouTube video in your conversations.
How to watch YouTube Videos on Google Plus hangout with friends?Start a Hangout session…
Since Windows XP’s Release it has been and still is currently the most used operating system. Surveys are beginning to show that XP’s hold on that market share is slipping. Windows XP was at its highest usage ever roughly one year ago peaking out at about 62% of the operating system market share. Since then…
This is going to be short and sweet this week folks. Ever been typing on your laptop and once you looked up realized you just typed half of what you wanted to say in a completely different spot on the page than you thought you were typing? I know I have… The BEST solution I’ve…
Spoti fy is the next big thing in Social Networking. Originally released to Europeans first, Spotify has now launched its services for U.S. customers as well. Not exactly sure what Spotify is? It’s simple; Spotify is a new way to listen and share music with friends and family. Subscribers will have…
Adobe, one of the business world’s biggest software companies, has just purchased a company named “EchoSign.” EchoSign is a company that specializes in bringing electronic signature services to various company’s in house applications. These services allow companies to have clients sign documents electronically without the need take what used to be very expensive actions to…
In the past there have been numerous cases on privacy and what the government/court system considers over stepping ones bounds when doing an investigation. Currently there is a case in Colorado Springs in which Ramona Fricosu is accused of a mortgage scam. Law enforcement found a laptop in her home while doing a search which…
Netflix Subscribers could be looking for an alternative source for their movie streaming and DVD rentals. Netflix has sent out an e-mail to all subscribers telling of their plan to raise prices of their streaming and DVD services. Currently subscribers are paying $9.99 to watch an unlimited number of movies online and rent 1 DVD…
The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation has been working with the authorities in eleven other countries to take down scareware scammers. The effort dubbed ‘Operation Trident Tribunal’ has seized more than 40 computers being used to host Web pages and fake scans designed to scare people into believing they needed to purchase bogus security…
While digital copies of books have become very popular for casual readers via the plethora of eReaders today, they have not hit their full potential just yet. There are many places that could be using the eReaders to cut back on paper consumption such as businesses and primarily, schools. Some of the eReader creators have…
This past week you may have seen or heard talk of a mysterious black bar appearing on top of Well it wasn’t by accident. In fact it was a sign of something new to come from Google. What is it you ask? “Google+.” What is Google+? Google+ is a top-secret social project that Google…
IBM is once again doing something pretty amazing. Their engineers are currently working on a new type of memory that is supposedly one hundred times fast than flash memory. The remarkable thing about this RAM is not just its speed, but, it’s really cheap to produce. Even at the early stages IBM is saying that…
The Board of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the body that regulates how domain names work, has approved the creation of new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) that will allow for a near-infinite variety of new website addresses. This means anyone can submit to be approved their own “.Com, .Org, .Net, etc…” …