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Google has revamped their maps

Google has made it much nicer to view the maps and navigate to businesses and residential locations. On the desktop they have made searching much more intuitive. You can easily navigate to a location, and then from there you will be prompted to explore the area.This is similar on how the app on Android was worked. Their…

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China Strikes Back

Just this week China began taking aim at some of the United States biggest technology providers claiming they are a “terrible security threat.” This comes only a few months after the United States government targeted one of China's largest tech companies Huawei.Back in March of this year Huawei became a target of scrutiny when suspicions…

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Pakistan Threatens to Ban Google

Pakistan and many other countries around the globe have picked fights with Google in the past but none have went quite as far as Pakistan's new IT and Telecommunications minister Anusha Rahman Khan.Khan made a statement that YouTube, one of the services Google owns, hosts “blasphemous and objectionable material” and stated that unless Google cleans…

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Google bought out Waze

Finally the wait is over Google is the company to buy out the popular navigation app that makes driving as fun as Pacman. Waze has finally accepted an offer from Google for 1.2 billion dollars ending the months of speculation on who will purchase Waze.Google has agreed to keep the development of Waze in Israel where it all began.…

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Citadel Botnet is no More

The FBI has joined forces with Microsoft and together they have taken down The Citadel Botnet. They announced that they have disrupted more than 1,000 different botnets that steal individuals financial information.The Citadel Botnet caused the result of over $500 million in losses from over 5 million people and businesses. Citadel was found in over 90 countries including…

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PRISM is watching all of us

The NSA PRISM program was top secret until now. The NSA has a program code named PRISM which lives on the servers of major service providers that include Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, Youtube, Skype ,AOL, and Apple.  PRISM has been in operation since 2007 and first partnered with Microsoft. They are aiming to have…

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Quantum Cryptography is hackable

Quantum Cryptography is when you use the laws of physics to encrypt your data. We have been able to encrypt data using vastly large prime numbers that would have to be factored to decrypt the key. The number is so large it would take current cutting-edge processors the projected life-time of the universe to crack.With all things there are…

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