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Holiday Tech Tips

With the holiday season upon us, it can seem overwhelming to buy a new device or tech equipment let alone feel empowered to use it and get the most out every feature. Fear not, we at Tech Experts have a few tech tips, tricks and best practices to help guide you through the seasonal shopping…

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NSA Spying on Unsuspecting Networks

No one except the NSA knows which 50,000 networks it injected data-thieving malware into, so what's a cautious enterprise network manager to do? It's business as usual. However, what's "usual" these days is vigilance - continuous monitoring and analysis to uncover unusual patterns and proactively respond. "It is important to adopt protective processes that continuously couple…

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USB Upgrades To 3.1

USB is the industry standard for so many computer peripherals and smart devices these days, with backwards compatibility being one of the best features. The downside to that longevity as a standard, it did not see any change in size for the smaller. And who hasn’t spent time switching a USB plug around because it…

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