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Windows 10: How Is It Now?

Windows 10: How is it Now? It's hard to imagine. Software seems to grow up right before your eyes. One minute, you look at your familiar desktop — and after a blink, you have now upgraded to Windows 10! Congratulations!Jokes aside, it hasn't been all bad. We've received a new anniversary update following its first…

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The Future Of Automation

Automation: Benefits and Drawbacks Eliminating unnecessary costs is a natural part of doing business. By “trimming the fat,” so to speak, organizations can optimize operations and profits. Automation technology is instrumental to this plight, but as these systems grow more advanced and capable, even professional employees are finding themselves at risk of losing their jobs…

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AMD Hardware On The Rise In 2016

AMD: Competing in 2016 It's been a bit of a slump for AMD, everyone's favorite underdog hardware designer. Market shares have dropped, new products haven't been hitting pr ice marks, and there has been reported losses that have drained hope from those who enjoy seeing competition in the hardware market. 2016 is going to be a…

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Is Opera Now The Fastest Web Browser?

Opera Is Embracing Built-In Ad-Blockers Isn't it annoying when you have to wait on your browser to load — only to find out most of the page consists of ads? Some tech-savvy users install browser plug-ins to block those ads and improve their experience and loading times, but one browser, Opera, is embracing built-in ad-blockers.In a developer…

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CryptoJoker May Be the Worst Ransomware Yet

Watch Out For The Next Ransomware: CryptoJoker Modern ransomware is exceptionally dangerous, even by malware standards. Ransomware is capable of locking down important files on a victim’s computer, displaying a massive threat to both business professionals and their networks, as well as the average PC user. While other types of ransomware like CryptoLocker and CryptoWall…

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