Windows 10: How is it Now?
It's hard to imagine. Software seems to grow up right before your eyes. One minute, you look at your familiar desktop — and after a blink, you have now upgraded to Windows 10! Congratulations!Jokes aside, it hasn't been all bad. We've received a new anniversary update following its first…
Anti-virus programs are numerous, but as with most things, some are better than others. Well-versed techs won't just recommend the most popular anti-virus solution to either make a sale or provide an easy, quick answer — they know which ones work best and which ones should be recommended for personal use at home.
So which anti-virus programs…
On July 29th, Microsoft held true to its claim and the free Windows 10 upgrade was no longer available. Now, anyone wishing to upgrade to Windows 10 will only be able to do so by purchasing a license. Does that mean you should hold out until your Windows 7 or 8 operating system is no longer…
We've all heard about solid state drives. They're the HDD replacement that has had repeated performance gains, price drops, and reliability increases. So what do they mean for you, your computers, or your business?Simply put, they are the difference between the past and the future.Bottlenecks Over The YearsWhen computers were really taking off, we had…
Wireless routers are both an integral part of your business’s online infrastructure and a critical part of your home computing environment. Therefore, you need to make sure that your router is broadcasting a clear signal. Here are some tips on how to keep your wireless signal as strong as possible, regardless of where you are…
Automation: Benefits and Drawbacks
Eliminating unnecessary costs is a natural part of doing business. By “trimming the fat,” so to speak, organizations can optimize operations and profits. Automation technology is instrumental to this plight, but as these systems grow more advanced and capable, even professional employees are finding themselves at risk of losing their jobs…
AMD: Competing in 2016
It's been a bit of a slump for AMD, everyone's favorite underdog hardware designer. Market shares have dropped, new products haven't been hitting pr
ice marks, and there has been reported losses that have drained hope from those who enjoy seeing competition in the hardware market. 2016 is going to be a…
For Those Who Are More Tech-Savvy: Embrace Public DNS
DNS (Domain Name System) is the Internet's way of translating our English worded web addresses into the Internet's language of numbered IP Addresses. For example, typing in into your web browser will take you to just like typing the actual web address would. To…
Screen Brightness Could Be Hurting Your Eyes - But There Are Ways Around That
Computer screen technology has been getting bigger and brighter for years — improving on picture quality, responsiveness, and energy efficiency. However, working in a dark room in front of a bright monitor can lead to eye strain and even headaches. You can avoid these…
Opera Is Embracing Built-In Ad-Blockers
Isn't it annoying when you have to wait on your browser to load — only to find out most of the page consists of ads? Some tech-savvy users install browser plug-ins to block those ads and improve their experience and loading times, but one browser, Opera, is embracing built-in ad-blockers.In a developer…
Watch Out For The Next Ransomware: CryptoJoker
Modern ransomware is exceptionally dangerous, even by malware standards. Ransomware is capable of locking down important files on a victim’s computer, displaying a massive threat to both business professionals and their networks, as well as the average PC user. While other types of ransomware like CryptoLocker and CryptoWall…
7ev3n Is The Next Big Threat
There is a new ransomware that has surfaced and unless you possess the know-how, you may be in for a doozy. Readers may remember Cryptowall or other ransomware we've mentioned and this one, named "7ev3n," is fundamentally the same.7ev3n will lock you out of your system, encrypt your files, and…