Recent news has emerged from a statement Apple had made. They claimed that they released software updates that intentionally slowed down older devices. This caused an uproar, and rightfully so, but how can you fix your now sluggish old iPhone and why are they slowing it down?
Apple's Reasoning: Batteries
Apple claims that their reasoning for…
You may have heard the words "net neutrality" on the news recently, but what does that phrase actually mean? It is a big topic that can be complicated at times.Net neutrality is the concept that Internet service providers (ISPs) must treat all data they transmit the same way. This means that they will not block…
Oh, Boy! Another iPhone!
The buzz around a new iPhone is seemingly never ending and the comparisons to the latest Samsung S series phone is inevitable.People have their preferences and, honestly, that’s a big part of what it comes down to. Because, let’s face it, humans are creatures of habit.It’s unlikely that I, as a…
Net neutrality has been a long and drawn out fight for sides both in favor and against it. The FCC will hold a vote on net neutrality on December 14th, but what does this mean for you?
The Net Neutrality Scare
Many people are worried about the repealing of the net neutrality rules put into place…
How Drones Will Change The World
Drones, also known as sUAS or quadcopters, consist of four or more rotors and range in size from slightly larger than a pack of cream cheese to large enough to carry a small animal across your yard.Drones have the ability to shape many different industries, including professional fields (like…
What is OpenAI?
The idea of a self-learning AI that gains sentience has been a popular topic in many forms of fiction, from the film The Terminator, to the video games Mass Effect and System Shock. These fictions tend to revolve around a helpful AI turned malevolent, bent on the destruction of mankind or a…
Mobile Devices and Your Network's Security
The iPhone 8 was recently released, the iPad production train keeps rolling, but Android devices still have their fair share of the market. In an age where technology and business rarely spend any time apart, think of all the devices you use.If you are a business owner, what devices…
Retro is Modern!
As a regular movie goer and television “couch critic”, I find Hollywood’s recent habit of releasing reboot after reboot a bit tiring – and I am sure many other film watchers would agree. I mean, do we really need another The Mummy (2017) or The Six Billion Dollar Man (2017)? On a…
What is an SBC?
Let’s start off by explaining what an SBC is. An SBC is a single-board computer — a powerful little computer in a package that's slightly larger than a wallet.These can be used as media servers, which can be hooked up to your TV or monitor of choice, to give you easy…
DreamWorks Makes The Team Work
In a good, efficient way!Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably aware of animated films like Shrek, How to Train Your Dragon, and Madagascar. Considered one of the top animation studios after Disney-Pixar, DreamWorks has released an average of two films a year since the early 2000’s.Thankfully for you (or,…
What is so great about the upcoming Radeon SSG (Solid State Graphics) GPU?
Well, to start, the Radeon SSG is the first of its kind and it's boasting the features we all want. The Radeon SSG features a 1TB SSD built right on the GPU. The prototype is equipped with two Samsung 950 512GB HDDs, which…
Facebook revealed last week at their F8 Developers Conference that they are close to a typing breakthrough. One that would allow testers to type straight from their brain at 100 words per minute. Sounds crazy, right? Well, not to the team of over 60 researchers, scientists, and engineers making this technology a reality.
What's the Purpose?…