Explaining Meltdown and Spectre
Have you noticed your computer running slower than usual over the past two months, particularly after Windows updates? A big reason for that performance loss are the patches intended to guard against two separate but related hardware security vulnerabilities. Known as "Meltdown" and "Spectre," they were found in June 2017 and…
An Alternative For When You Don't Need A Lot of Power
Intel has released the Compute Stick, which measures 4.5” and can turn your TV or other HD display into a computer. These sticks are fairly inexpensive and can be a great solution for someone in need of a computer on a budget.With prices starting…
Make Your Search Work For You
Nearly everyone these days has heard the term "Google it" or "look it up." For most of us, searching for something online is just a part of our daily routine now.However, are you really searching as quickly and efficiently as you could be?Here are several search tips to help…
With a recent update to Windows, Microsoft is giving users a better look at the state of their digital privacy. Windows Diagnostic Data Viewer is an application that allows users to view data that is sent to Microsoft from their computers.This is a breath of fresh air, especially amidst orders from France to stop tracking…
Tesla makes motors hum... a happy tune, anyway.
If you’re like me and you have a passion for technology and all things that go "vroom," then you probably have your eye on Tesla and the automotive industry.The lack of mechanical moving parts that usually accompany a combustion engine still throws some of us off, but…
Monitors: In The Beginning
It wasn’t too long ago that computers had a monitor built into the computing unit itself.Then came along the cathode ray tube, or the CRT monitor, which separated the computer from the viewing screen. CRT monitors were big and very heavy, but you could set them away from the computing unit…
Mesh Routers: Changing The Airwaves
Mesh networks have been used for quite a few years in places like hospitals, military bases, factories, and large office buildings. Now, mesh router technology is being applied to consumer Wi-Fi.If you have a large home or property reaching 3,000 to 4,000 feet, then you might want to take a…
Don't Worry, You're Not Getting Ripped Off
Have you ever started downloading a file, saw your browser downloading at 3 MB/s, and thought to yourself, "Hey, I'm paying for 28 MB/s Internet speeds!"?Well, the truth is that when Internet Service Providers (ISPs) display their different Internet speed plans, they are not actually listing them in…
As a kid growing up, sci-fi shows and movies would often sensationalize the future and the technology that would be available. Many of these ideas, however, are now real life technology that we use every day. Video calling, smartphones, watches that can be used to communicate... and now, the self-driving car is nearly ready for…
Where Do You Draw The Line For Privacy?
Trust and money in an age of exponentially advancing technology both need to go a long way.Uber and Airbnb have a similar concept, especially when relating to both elements. You either let a stranger into your car in exchange for cash, or you let a stranger stay…
Watch Out For These New iOS Pop-Ups That Want Your Apple ID
One small annoyance well-known to iOS users is the onslaught of pop-ups that appear when trying to do just about anything. They usually require users to enter their Apple ID before downloading a new app or buying something within an app. With how…
The Problem
Your iPhone 7 was so fast out of the box. It was reliable, and performed quickly. Over the last few years though, you have noticed things just aren’t moving as fast as they used to. You may have tried resetting your phone, blaming all of those apps and years of data. Yet nothing…