Applications using Azure Active Directory (AD) to authenticate — a category that includes Office 365, among other things — will soon be able to stop using passwords entirely. It's not as counter-productive as it sounds.
App-based Authentication
Azure AD accounts can already use the Microsoft Authenticator app for two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication combines a password with…
Happy Birthday Google: 20 Years of Google
As someone has been using computers for the past 20+ years, I feel like I have a unique connection with Google. I remember using it for the first time and thinking, “This isn’t going to replace anything. Internet Explorer and Netscape are just too user friendly and have…
How does artificial intelligence fit into the workplace?
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term Artificial Intelligence? Some people envision a dystopian future where workers have been replaced by robots. The reality, at least for the time being, is much different.The term "Artificial Intelligence" is a blanket term…
Another Week, Another Security Flaw
Foreshadow, also known as L1 Terminal Fault, is another problem with speculative execution in Intel’s processors. Foreshadow may allow malicious software to break into secure areas that even the Spectre and Meltdown flaws couldn’t crack.
What Is Foreshadow?
Specifically, Foreshadow attacks Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX) feature. This is built into Intel chips…
Encryption: Keeping Your Data Locked Down
Losing your phone is crippling. Losing a device like a laptop is debilitating. These devices are expensive but the data that they contain may be just as costly. Theft is a constant concern when you are dealing with pricey devices and the information they may contain.Losing your hardware is…
Think twice before tossing your old electronics
Urban Mining. It is a term most people will not be familiar with. It is not some secret code, but rather a cry for natural resources. Urban mining is the process of gathering precious metals and other resources from recycled electronics.Gold, for example, is present in most mobile…
Let Google Break You Out Of Your "Usual"
We have probably all relied on Google Maps to help us get from point A to point B. Fortunately, Google Maps has continued to evolve over the years by adding some great new features. In May, Google announced a load of new features coming to Maps. Some…
Welcome To Windows, Alexa!
Microsoft has Cortana, its built-in digital assistant included in Windows 10 operating systems. Apple has Siri, its own digital assistant. Then, of course, there is Amazon’s Alexa. Which, unless you have been living under a rock, might be the most well known digital assistant thanks to Amazon’s marketing campaigns and the…
Keeping Your Accounts Secure Just Got Easier
Cyber attacks happen. Data theft is at an all-time high.In a tech world, it's the price we pay to make our lives easier. Among the benefits of effortless collaboration, communication, and productivity, shopping (and paying for things in general) has become more convenient. This means a lot of…
Making Virtual History
Let’s rewind about 20 years. Smart phones were something that existed alongside of flying cars, robotic maids, and X-ray vision.A couple years ago, augmented reality was in the same place that smart phones were in. Now, augmented reality is often talked about in articles, on websites, and in day-to-day conversations. Augmented reality…
How To Thwart An E-mail Phishing Attempt
E-mail phishing attempts are on the rise thanks to advancements in virus and malware detection. These have slowed down the bad guys’ data mining and money-making attempts. As a result, they're going back to basics.Luckily, e-mail phishing has numerous tell-tale signs.
Links: Don't Click 'Em
Emailing phishing attempts usually…
Hacking: Not Restricted To Computers
You can have the best devices and security measures and still fall victim to a hacker... even on your cell phone. After all, it has an operating system just like a computer and ways to wiggle in through exploits.Got an Apple device? Don’t think that you're exempt from a phone…